Processing of complaints
Litigation – Processing of complaints
(Article 325-12-1 du RGAMF et Instruction AMF n° 2012-07 du 13/07/12-Maj 24/04/13, 20/11/13 et 17/10/14 et 12/12/2016 avec effet au 01/05/2017)
In the event of a dispute or complaint by the client, the contracting parties undertake to seek an amicable settlement in the first instance.
The client may submit his complaint to the firm’s address, to his usual advisor or manager who will have 10 days to acknowledge receipt, then 2 months from receipt of the complaint to respond.
In the absence of an amicable settlement, the parties may then inform the Consumer Ombudsman:
- For FIA activity (public ombudsman): AMF – L’Autorité des Marchés Financiers, [AMF Ombudsman: Ms Marielle COHEN-BRANCHE], 17 place de la Bourse 75082 Paris Cedex 02 ( médiateur).
- For other activities: [Centre de Médiation et d’Arbitrage de Paris (CMAP), Service Médiation de la consommation, 39 avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt 75008 PARIS Médiateurs : Médiateurs CMAP : Christophe AYELA, Jean-Marc BLAMOUTIER, Catherine BOINEAU, Gilles CHARLOT, Michel GUIGAL] ( –
If this fails, the dispute may be brought before the competent courts.