Colibri AM Code of Ethics
Our responsible investment principles
Promote environmental protection
Fossil fuels (oil extraction, shale gas)
The hundred biggest carbon emitters
Respect the Charter of Human Rights
Activities that practice modern slavery
Activities involving child labor
Activities taking advantage of local laws to carry out illegal employment
Activities fueling armed conflicts (e.g. arms manufacturers)
Promote ecological transition
Companies that persist in using fossil fuels
Polluting transport
Respect international tax law
Tax havens (black list and grey list): Fiji, Guam, Panama, Cayman Islands, Saint Lucia etc …
Companies engaged in tax evasion
Companies whose head office is located in a tax haven
Our vision of SRI
Colibri AM wishes to do everything in its power to protect the environment. It is therefore inconceivable that our management company will invest in company securities which degrade the environment, or which do not implement a change in strategy when creating harm to the planet or society.
It is for this reason our ESG ratings hold a 50% weighting for the environment, 30% for social values and 20% for governance.
Principles of solidarity and sharing
The founding principle of Colibri AM is to subsidise associations or companies that are major players in climate and societal improvement.
Colibri AM therefore has a notion of sharing for progress : a portion of the commission fees from our funds will finance projects which does not exist in traditional SRI funds.
The sharing of commissions will be possible as soon as a threshold of assets under management is reached.
Colibri AM will strive to be the most transparent company in the investment management sector.
Colibri AM has clear principles and is rigorous with its investments. Respect for the environment, human rights, gender equality and international taxation are essential.
The main objective of our fund managers is to generate ethical out- performance versus respective benchmarks for long lasting steady returns.